As of July 29, 2010, new rules have been added to make all tours smoother and easier for you guys, and easier for us too. If you are not willing to cooperate, you are out of all tours.

Friday, August 20, 2010

One-Book Tour: A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler

Author: Holly Schindler
Pages: 288
Publisher: Flux
Publication Date: May 1, 2010
Edition: Finished copy

DONATED by: Holly (Thank you!)

Terrified that her mother, a schizophrenic and an artist, is a mirror that reflects her own future, sixteen-year-old Aura struggles with her overwhelming desires to both chase artistic pursuits and keep madness at bay.

As her mother sinks deeper into the darkness of mental illness, the hunger for a creative outlet keeps drawing Aura toward the depths of her own imagination—the shadows of make-believe that she finds frighteningly similar to her mother’s hallucinations.

Convinced that creative equals crazy, Aura shuns her art, and her life unravels in the process.

Tour is open INTERNATIONALLY. There are only 10 available spots. Link your reviews below if you have read and reviewed the book. Before you sign up for any of the tours, you must read and follow the new Rules and Guidelines. Here's the tour:
*the book was sent to 1st participant 9/20

01.Cassandra - Australia - Rec:9/27 Mailed:10/7
02.Holly - Australia
03.Emma - UK
04.Anna - Greece

If you link it here, link it straight to your review and for the 'Name' part, just put in your blog name. Thanks!


Misha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ynysawdre Elderly Residents Association said...

Yes please
Emma/Asamum UK

Holly said...

Holly | Australia

Cass said...

NSW Australia

Misha said...

I changed my mind about not participating. Can I still participate?

Alexandra said...

I would like to participate too!

PrĂ´ Diana said...

I liked the plot. Could you sign me please?

Diana Godoy (Brazil)

Kendra said...

I'd love to be a part of this!
Kendra @

grace crawford said...

I loved this book a lot. One of the best I've read in a little while.
click link for Microsoft Software Download website website

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