Works and Information of a tour:
- To join a tour, you must comment with your name, email address, and country. Please remember you cannot join any tours if you have not filled out the Blogger Sign-Up Form.
- There will only be 10 people in a tour. We cannot go beyond that number. This book will go all around the world so 10 people is the biggest amount of participants we can take for a tour.
- We will pick the participants by random. Obviously, we might get more than 10 comments for each tour, and since we can only pick 10 people, we will use a random number generator. That's how we determine who the participants will be, it's the fairest way possible.
- Since, this is an international book tour blog, we will prioritize international reviewers. First priority will go to international bloggers, but if there ever is space, then that's the time we will take U.S. and Canada reviewers. Although, the people in U.S. and Canada have to be willing to ship anywhere in the world.
- Whoever the last person is in the tour will get an email from the IBT Coordinator telling them what to do with the book. There is a big possibility that the last person in the tour will get to keep the book, if so, the last person will always be different. Another possibility would be that they would have to send the book back to the person who donated it, or the very last possibility is that IBT will get to hold the book for a giveaway. It really depends.
- Once you receive a book, please email us. We really need to know where the book is. When we receive your email, we will give you the address of the next person in the tour, the deadline of when you need to mail the book, and other info that may be necessary. This is why it is really important to email us once you receive a book.
- The reason we ask you to comment with your country is so that we can put the people in order with their country (e.g. if there are three people who live in the same country, we put them together), this way you can minimize the cost of shipping.
- Please only join the tours if you really want to read the book. If you join too many tours, it will get very expensive, think about that..
- If your country ever has a tracking number (it will be very rare), please email it to us.
- Please post your review on the Mr.Linky (below on each post.) You must post it no later than one week after mailing the book. Please make sure you post your review on the Mr. Linky.
ibtcoordinator (AT) gmail (DOT) com
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