As of July 29, 2010, new rules have been added to make all tours smoother and easier for you guys, and easier for us too. If you are not willing to cooperate, you are out of all tours.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Update! Check-lists/email will be sent out soon!

Just an update to all who have participated; IBT will be sending out a check-list/email soon for all the tours that are closed! Well, for the sign-ups that are closed. Be sure to check your spam, we don't want you to miss this email. This email is just to let you know that your a participant of that tour and the order of the tour. We will be sending the check-lists either today, tomorrow, or the day after. We were actually supposed to send them out yesterday, sorry for all the delays! For the mean time, please cooperate with us, do to a hectic schedule (school, work, main book blogs, etc...) We hope that it is okay, thanks everyone!

Also, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, make sure you sign up in the sign up form! We cannot check each and every single person if they have signed up or not, there are too many members and if we do, our jobs will be much harder. Thank you!

IBT Team
P.S. We will have more tours posted in the next few days.


Unknown said...

Take your time! We all understand delays and work schedules :)

Excited to see what else you will have for us though! :)

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

I will be keeping an eye on my inbox =D

Gaby G said...

Ok thanks, i will be checking my email ;)

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

My emails arrived safely in my inbox ;)

Sarah said...

I got the emails - can't wait to be part of these tours :o) I'll reply to the emails when the books arrive!

Thanks for setting this all up & don't worry about delays, I'm sure we all understand that sometimes life gets in the way. I appreciate the fact you've gone to all this trouble :o)

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